Baldwin of Erebor performs his song, The Burden of the Crown (from his CD Welcome to the Current Middle Ages). This concert at the Green Dragon Tavern during Gulf Wars XX, March 2011. This is the only video of Baldwin performing in more than 20 years.
Camelot Wedding Song
The Starz series Camelot that aired on April 8th featured a beautiful song performed at the wedding of Leontes and Guinivere (ahem). Lisa scoured the web for its provenance since the show credits seem to have left this information out. Interestingly nobody else seems to have the information either. We’re pretty sure we didn’t dream this […]
Ken and Lisa Theriot – Live at the Green Dragon
Ken and Lisa Theriot (Kenneth MacQuarrie and Adelaide de Beaumont in the SCA) will be performing live at the fabulous Green Dragon Tavern, Tuesday March 15th 2011 from 8-9 pm during Gulf Wars XX. Come join the music and revelry as Kenneth and Adelaide and the rest of “the band” (Ambra Micheli, Grimolfr Einarsson, Michele […]
Samantha Moore Live at The Green Dragon
Samantha Moore, known in the SCA as HL Ambra Michelli, will be playing live at The Green Dragon tavern, 7-8 pm on March 15th, 2011. This is Tuesday night of Gulf Wars XX. Ambra is known for her powerful voice, unique and wonderful performances of classic SCA songs…especially the “war songs,” and her song-writing, having […]
Agincourt Song
Agincourt, the song – Ken Theriot, along with his wife Lisa Theriot, have become a highly successful song-writing team. They write and perform songs primarily for the international medieval and renaissance re-creation group, The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). As the title implies, the song is about the famous battle fought between the English and French […]
Baldwin of Erebor Live at The Green Dragon
Your heard correctly. Master Baldwin of Erebor, who penned such SCA songs as The Burden of the Crown, Welcome to the Current Middle Ages, Flower of the Desert, and The Herald’s Complaint, will be be playing live at the Green Dragon tavern for Gulf Wars XX. His concert is at 6:00 pm on March 17th […]
So Tell Us About The Christmas Album, “The Gifts of Midwinter”
We’ve told you that it’s now available, and you’ve seen (and hopefully heard samples of) the songs that are on The Gifts of Midwinter, the new CD by Ken and Lisa Theriot. But other than that you may not know much about it. So we thought publishing the liner notes as a blog post would […]
The Christmas Album Is Here!
We finally have the downloadable version of The Gifts of Midwinter by Ken and Lisa Theriot available here: The physical CD will be available early next week, but you can order it now! If you are planning to order the physical CD, do that FIRST here: and you’ll be taken to a page […]
Christmas Album Status – Dec 18th
The digital version of our Christmas Album will be available this weekend at We’ll try for this afternoon (12/18)!
Ken and Lisa Theriot Christmas Album Nearing Completion
Putting the last song in the can today! The Ken and Lisa Theriot Xmas album,”The Gifts of Midwinter,” is nearly here! We aren’t putting a date and time on it, but watch this space frequently starting tomorrow (Tuesday, Dec 14th). I’m just sayin’;). The Management