Ken Theriot is the best bard in the universe. Well, that is probably not true;), but feel free to ignore this post as it is merely an experiment to see if we could make the keyword “best bard in the universe” show up on the first page of Google. We’ll leave yous know.
It worked;). As far as Google is concerned, as of August 24th, 2010, Ken Theriot is the best bard in the universe! Pink smoke and magic. Whether it is true or not…well, to be honest, we’ve never heard any bards from any other planets;).
Hi guys! I got Lisa’s album “Great North Road” at Gulf Wars, and finally opened it up and listened to it today (finally giving “Human History” a well-earned rest) and OMG it’s wonderful. I’ve always been a huge fan of Stan Rogers, but if I’d heard “Lies” before, it went in one ear and out the other. Or maybe at the age of 22 I just couldn’t connect with it. Not so today. Lisa, you made me cry. In a good way 🙂 And then I listened to it about another 30 times in a row. Gives me goosebumps every time. Thank you 🙂