Samantha Moore, known in the SCA as HL Ambra Michelli, will be playing live at The Green Dragon tavern, 7-8 pm on March 15th, 2011. This is Tuesday night of Gulf Wars XX.
Ambra is known for her powerful voice, unique and wonderful performances of classic SCA songs…especially the “war songs,” and her song-writing, having contributed several of her own songs to the SCA bardic songbook, including Who Serve The Soldiers, Glory Reaped, and I Am Able. Clips of her songs can be heard here:
She has released two albums with Raven Boy Music, Songs From The White Hart and Iron Hart.
Of her last album, Iron Hart, was left this comment/review at her CD Baby page:
Come on out to the Green Dragon on Tuesday, March 15th at Gulf Wars XX for the show. It will rock.