Get your copy of the Human History Bard Book, just in time for Pennsic (just barely!). You’ll need some songs to sing at all the bardic circles you’ll be going to at Pennsic, right? Well The Human History Bard Book contains chords and lyrics to all 12 songs (such as The Feast Song, Agincourt, and Band of Brothers, to name a few) from the popular CD of the same name by Ken Theriot (that would be Human History :)). If you aren’t familiar with the album, you can listen to clips from every song and purchase if you’d like. Check that our here:
The Human History Bard Book is a PDF download only at this point, so hard copies won’t be for sale on site at Pennsic. Though you can always go to Mystic Mail and getcha one;).
The book contains chords and lyrics (not sheet music with staff and notes and stuff) to the following songs:
1. Band of Brothers |
2. To Serve The Lily |
3. Agincourt |
4. The Minstrel Boy |
5. Son Of The Sea |
6. The Haggis |
7. Hatton Woods |
8. King Orfeo |
9. Fifty Miles Into The Main |
10. The Lie |
11. The Feast Song |
12. Maldon |